Welcome to The Bachelor Party Podcast Facebook Group Podcast!
Sarah and Axel break down Bachelor in Paradise Season 6 Week 6 Episodes 606a & 606b
Congratulations to PiNkLuVeR2345 for winning our Cufflinks.com Giveaway!
Our sincere thanks to Juliet Litman, Bill Simmons and all our fellow Bachelor Party Podcast Facebook Group family.
We’re doing it again! Give us an Apple Podcasts written review to be entered to win your choice of a Prize from our Bachelor Prize Box courtesy of Cufflinks.com!
Use code DVR20 at Cufflinks.com/DVR to get 20% off your order with no minimum purchase required, help sort the Pod and our Presenting Sponsor.
If you or anybody you know is considering adoption for their baby, please consider the loving family of Andrew and Claire. You can email them at AndrewandClaireAdopt@gmail.com. Thank you
In this episode about S3 E13 of The Handmaid’s Tale entitled Mayday, I join Gina on Resisting Gilead to talk about the amazing and epic season finale.
Join us in June’s house as we talk about Fred’s revenge, Serena’s downfall, Luke’s soul-crushing heartbreak, and June’s triumph and how she’s on a path to inspire the masses.
Welcome to The Bachelor Party Podcast Facebook Group Podcast!
Sarah and Axel break down Bachelor in Paradise Season 6 Week 5 Episodes 605a & 605b
Congratulations to PiNkLuVeR2345 for winning our Cufflinks.com Giveaway!
Our sincere thanks to Juliet Litman, Bill Simmons and all our fellow Bachelor Party Podcast Facebook Group family.
We’re doing it again! Give us an Apple Podcasts written review to be entered to win your choice of a Prize from our Bachelor Prize Box courtesy of Cufflinks.com!
Welcome to The Bachelor Party Podcast Facebook Group Podcast!
Sarah and Axel break down Bachelor in Paradise Season 6 Week 4 Episodes 604a & 604b
Congratulations to PiNkLuVeR2345 for winning our Cufflinks.com Giveaway!
Our sincere thanks to Juliet Litman, Bill Simmons and all our fellow Bachelor Party Podcast Facebook Group family.
We’re doing it again! Give us an Apple Podcasts written review to be entered to win your choice of a Prize from our Bachelor Prize Box courtesy of Cufflinks.com!